All events and activities hosted by the Adirondack Sky Center and Observatory at the L.P. Quinn campus are FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

All proceeds from the sale of merchandise directly support the free public events during Totality in Tupper.

What is StarLab?

StarLab is a portable planetarium where students and teachers explore the wonders of the night sky. Up to 28 students enter the inflatable 20ft dome where our astronomy educator tours everyone through the stars and constellations in the evening sky.

StarLab helps students grasp difficult astronomy concepts by offering them a new perspective of the stars and stellar motions. Our interactive planetarium programs teach students about the orbital motions that cause predictable patterns in the phases of the moon, reasons for the seasons, and the changing positions of constellations in our night sky.

StarLab Shows

Constellations in the Sky During the Eclipse

All Ages

LP Quinn Gymnasium

Mr. Bryson Mariano

Sunday, April 7

12:00 PM

1:00 PM

3:00 PM

4:00 PM

Monday, April 8

9:00 AM

10:00 AM

11:00 AM

Stepping into the StarLab Portable planetarium, anticipation electrifies the air as eager stargazers prepare to preview the constellations that will grace the sky during the April 8th total solar eclipse. The dome overhead becomes a canvas for the cosmos, and as the lights dim, the celestial panorama unfolds with breathtaking clarity. Inside this immersive setting, the constellations take on a vivid brilliance, their shapes and stories coming to life in stunning detail. With expert guidance, attendees are transported on a mesmerizing journey through the celestial sphere, discovering the intricate patterns of stars that will soon be visible during the eclipse. Each constellation reveals itself like a hidden treasure, offering a tantalizing glimpse of the cosmic spectacle awaiting observers under the darkened sky. In the StarLab Portable planetarium, the anticipation of the eclipse is heightened as participants become enveloped in the wonder and majesty of the universe.